Waves of Honor - The Bend Magazine

Waves of Honor

Texas Surf Museum honors the 3,414 Texans who lost their lives in the Vietnam War

The Texas Surf Museum has been a mainstay in our localbrcommunity for almost 15 years. By enlightening the world to the unique culturebrand history of Texas surfing, the museum has shown countless exhibitionsbrhonoring our history. This notion remains as they introduce a new element tobrthe museum.


At the end of October, The Texas Surf Museum unveiled a new waybrto honor our veterans: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The memorial, entitled “Wavesbrof Honor” honors the lives of the 3,414 Texans who died in the Vietnam War andbrwas actually inspired by a current exhibition at the Museum. The exhibit, “ChinabrBeach: Surfing through the Vietnam War,” features a ground-breaking collectionbrof photos, surfboards, memorabilia, and first-hand accounts of the tales ofbrscores of veterans who suffered during the war.


After the installation of the new exhibit and reflecting onbrthe environment surrounding Vietnam, Board Members of the Museum wanted tobrcreate a memorial to honor Texans who died in service to our country. “There isbra dog tag with the name of every Texan who fought and died, a total of 3,414,brplaced on the memorial so they can receive the respect and appreciation theybrdeserved then and still deserve today.” said Brad Lomax, Chair of the Board ofbrDirectors for the Texas Surf Museum.


The memorial will serve as an incredible remembrance for notbrjust the Texas Surf Museum and the Coastal Bend, but for the entire state. “ThebrWaves of Honor wall belongs to the state of Texas,” Emily Veazey, the ExecutivebrDirector of the Texas Surf Museum, said. It is our hope that citizens frombrevery corner of our state visit our museum to see this display in person. Whilebrwe cannot bring back their loved one we pray that this small gesture bringsbrhonor and comfort to their families.”


The “Waves of Honor” Wall will be on display until the conclusionbrof the China Beach exhibit – although staff say that are considering making itbra permanent fixture in the museum. Join the Texas surf Museum this Monday,brNovember 11th, at 11 AM as the celebrate the ribbon cutting of thisbrincredible memorial. Immediately following the ribbon cutting ceremony, thebrmuseum’s staff, board members, and volunteers will take turns reading off thebrnames of all 3,414 individuals of which the Waves of Honor Wall remembers. Thebrevent is open to the public and free of admission.


If you cannot make it to the ceremony and wish to show your supportbrin some way, there is a Go Fund Me page where you can donate to. All fundsbrraised will go towards the fabrication and installation of the memorial.




texassurfmuseum.org || (361) 882-2364