By: Jessie Monsivais
Did you know Coronation dresses from almost 30 years ago arebron display at a local shop? The dresses, which truly are a piece of artwork,brhave evolved over the years; but have always been something to marvel at. A boutiquebrin Calallen, 2Jewels, is displaying two coronation dresses from the year 1991!
The two dresses are from The Court of Celebrations: where LisabrKennedy Allen’s dress’ theme was Fiesta and Julie Painter Tilton’s dress’ themebrwas Far East. Ashley Smith, thebrMarketing Director at Navy Army, was also a duchess in the Coronation at that timebrand will have her dress on display too.
“I am thrilled to display both mine and Lisa’s dress becausebrwe were in the court the same year. Webractually were on the same parade float for the Buc Day’s Parade. We have developed a life-time friendship,”brsays Julie.
With a different theme each year, the dresses motifs aren’tbrrevealed until long after the dresses have been planned. The themes are preparedbra full 365 days in advance and designers work on the dresses all year. JuliebrTilton has experienced this both herself and again with her family –from her cousin andbrsister to her daughter.
This year Julie’s daughter, Ellie, a sophomore at Texas A&M-CollegebrStation, is the Duchess of Curiosity & Harmony; representing Ariel from thebrLittle Mermaid. “It is amazing to see the theme, design, and colors andbrthe time they spend designing these dresses. It’s just an amazing experience,”brshares Julie excitedly.
To see the dresses on display, visit 2Jewels anytime duringbrstore hours!