United We Stand - The Bend Magazine

United We Stand

Local artist, Mayra Zamora, has two new murals in town that are bringing the topic of immigration to the forefront

By: Jessie Monsivais  Photo contributed by: Mayra Zamora


The latest Corpus Christi murals, Que Viva Garcia and LatinosbrUnidos, come from Mayra Zamora’s creative vision rooted in Latin culture. LatinosbrUnidos pays homage to Latinx countries such as, Mexico, Colombia, PuertobrRico, Argentina, Brazil, and many more.


The murals, designed by Mayra and painted with the help of teens frombrthe Teens Building For Tomorrow program, adorns one of the walls at the Antonio E. GarciabrArts & Education Center with various colors from the flags of Latinbrcountries. 


“I drew inspiration from prior paintings and the mural at Fresco.brFor Latinos Unidos, I wanted to pay homage to all of the Latinxbrcountries, people living in America, and immigrants coming to the States,” shebrsays proudly when asked about the mural’s origin story.


Using a reference photo, from the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, ofbrAntonio E. Garcia for Que Viva Garcia, Mayra and fellow artist, EugenebrSoliz, painted the portrait of the historical, local artist who fled frombrMexico to the U.S. during the Mexican Revolution.


Mayra explains how the stripes behind Antonio E. Garcia represent both Mexico and America. “Mr. Garcia was an immigrant himself, fleeing Monterrey,brMexico. On his brush, there is a hidden statement Arte es Vida because Ibrbelieve Art is Life. It’s meant to look as if Mr. Garcia is painting the mural,bras he, himself was an artist,” she continues. 


The students from the Teens Build for Tomorrow program and Mayra had thebrmonth of June to complete the mural during the weekdays. The program providesbryouth from ages 13 – 17 an opportunity to gain social skills, education onbrmental health and more, and obtain volunteer service hours during the summerbrbreak. They completed the mural on June 27, 2019.


“As immigration is a hot topic right now, I wanted my students tobrtell me what they think about our current status as a country,” expressesbrMayra. “After all, America is the land of immigrants.”


Mayra describes what the aspect of mural projects she loves most most being thebropportunity for collaboration, creating lifetime memories, and for the studentsbrto look back when they are adults and feel proud of themselves and the muralsbrthey helped create.


“The advice I give all of my students is to make sure they choose abrpath that is going to make them happy in the end.” Because after all, that’s what truly matters. 

You can check out more of Mayra’s work on Instagram at @miramayraart