By: Jessie Monsivais Photo courtesy of: Leticia Bajuyo
Corpus native and artist, Leticia Bajuyo delivers her thought-provokingbrartwork to the Beeville Art Museum on September 21, 2019 – December 14, 2019.brThe installation, comprised of glass pieces, drawings, artificial grassbrpaintings, sculptures, and lots and lots of CDs and DVDs, investigates socialbrperspectives beyond suburbia, where the American dream intersects with
“I am especially excited about this upcomingbrexhibition titled Keystones, for the museum was interested inbrcombining both my CD/DVD artworks with my suburban artworks,” says Leticia.
Keystones refersbrboth to conceptual connections across the entire exhibition and to the archwaysbrin Leticia’s installation one can enter. As with almost all of her large-scalebrpieces, swirling vortexes accentuate the art, Leticia states that by designingbrshiny tunnels and horns with visible construction methods, her installationsbrfoster awareness of the thin line between desire and discard.
“Music devices andbrrecording media visually recur in my artwork as metaphors for exploring ficklebrappetites. These discs are situated in the technological history of automatedbrdevices that read inscriptions and codes to reproduce experience. When Ibrexplore these concepts with donated discs, the collection becomes a visuallybrdisplaced consciousness and collective memory that is woven into a fabric.”
The combination of traditional sculptural materials, itemsbrcollected in the community, and her approach to the exhibition space as abrwide-open canvas reflect in her teaching and her studio practice. Leticiabrteaches art at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Across the country, Leticia’sbrlarge-scale public art installations are located at the Nashville InternationalbrAirport, the Tony Hillerman Library in Albuquerque, Indiana State Museum inbrIndianapolis, and Lyon Square outdoor plaza in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
“In my artwork, I explorebrperceptions of value and expectation,” says Leticia. “In my studio practice,brthis manifests in a wide variety of media, subjects, and dimensions.”
The Beeville Art Museum, created and operated by the JoebrBarnhart Foundation, is first and foremost a teaching museum, providingbrcultural and educational opportunities for the citizens of Bee County andbrsurrounding areas. In addition to exhibiting works by some of Texas’s mostbrrenowned artists, as well as selections from private collections and majorbrmuseums across the state, the Beeville Art Museum provides docent-led tours andbrart classes for children and adults and workshops for Beeville educators at thebrMuseum of Fine Arts, Houston.
“This is the first exhibition in which thesebrtwo areas of my studio integrate into one exhibition. This opportunity is abrspecial one, and I am humbled and honored to get to design and install in allbrfive galleries of the museum,” Leticia shares.
The Beeville Art Museum, located at 401 E. Fannin, is open tobrthe public 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturday. Tobrcontact the museum, please call 361-358-8615 or visit our website at