By: Jacqueline Gonzalez Photos by: Rachel Benavides
Thebrdynamic trio, Michelle Annette Donnelly, her mother Rocki Remington, and herbrson Jon Donnelly, teamed up to bring the sweet and savory tastes of thebrParisian crepe and other goodies to the Coastal Bend. Let Them Eat Cake hasbrbeen in operation for 13 years as an appointment based bakery. In an effort tobrprovide a more family friendly and relaxing environment, they opened abrrestaurant style location in May.
Livingbrby the philosophy that “All the flowers in the world are not red for a reasonbrbecause we have a beautiful garden; so why not enjoy every flower out there?”brallows these ladies to offer a varied menu that caters to all customers’ eatingbrpreferences. Sugar free? They’ve got it. Vegan or Keto? They have a recipe forbrthose, too. Customers can enjoy the judgement free, family-friendly environment,brwhere welcoming hugs, good food, and pastries are served.
Usingbra farm-to-table concept with fresh local food and fruits, they prepare an arraybrof handcrafted pies, turnovers, brownies, and muffins in small batches daily. However,brdelicious mouth-watering crepes are their true specialty.
TraditionalbrParisian crepes take center stage, setting them apart from other bakeries andbrrestaurants in town. Most other establishments offer Swedish crepes, which havebra thick pancake texture and are only served with fruit fillings. Parisian crepesbrare paper-thin and hold a wide range of ingredients.
Michellebrand Rocki’s crepes are made with buckwheat flour, a healthier alternative tobrregular flour. Their crepes, filled with unique as well as traditionalbringredients, are large enough for a full meal.
EverybrTuesday, the bakery announces a “flavor of the week” crepe. Rich and savorybrflavors such as King Ranch Chicken, Philly Cheese Steak, Beef Stroganoff,brTurkey and Cranberries, and Chicken and Pesto are only a few of theirbrcreations. Although these flavors are not permanent menu items, customers arebrwelcome to make requests for past flavor combinations or suggest their own.
Inbrthe future, Michelle and Rocki hope to open a new location. For now, they are focusingbron perfecting their craft. The attention to detail and welcoming atmospherebrfound at Let Them Eat Cake has quickly made the bakery a staple in the CoastalbrBend.