By: Jessie Monsivais Photos via: Art Museum of South Texas
Celebrate the season and literacy by exploring the 10thbrAnnual Christmas Tree Forest at the Art Museum of South Texas. A ReadingbrWonderland brings the pages of children storybooks to life with themedbrdecorations on 30 Christmas trees. The theme of children’s books brings anbropportunity for visitors to nurture an appreciation of reading and creativitybrthrough a stunning display of award-winning literature and illustrations.
“This is such a special project, it involves every kind of sectorbrof the community – the nonprofit, the business, the volunteers, and the schoolsbrthat get to participate and bring this to our community,” shares Linda Rodriguez,brAMST Curator of Education. “It is a learning opportunity from the beginning,brthe students get to read the books and rediscover them as they decoratebrornaments and it gives the public the opportunity to discover the stories.”
Explore the forest on Saturday, December 14, from 10 am – 2 pm forbra free family day event presented by HEB, the Junior League of Corpus Christi,brand hosted by the Art Museum of South Texas. The first 2,000 children willbrreceive an H-E-Buddy goodie bag and H-E-B lighted Christmas necklace. There will be photos with Santa, live holidaybrmusic, hands-on art projects, story time with Mrs. Claus, food trucks andbrmore.
While on display, patrons are encouraged to vote for theirbrfavorite tree; H-E-B gift cards will be awarded to the 3 winners. The trees andbrdecorations are donated to area families in need to enjoy for the remainder ofbrthe holiday season.
“The family gets the book with all the ornaments and the tree,brwhich adds another layer of learning and discover. It’s such a special thing tobrget to enjoy the story together as a family,” Linda says. “It’sbrsuch an encapsulation of this theme. It has been the theme for the past 5 yearsbrof bringing literacy and creativity to the community.”
The exhibition will be on display at the Art Museum of South Texasbruntil December 16th. For more information, contact the Art MuseumbrEducation Department at