The world is ever-evolving, and so is the realm of career possibilities. As the needs of organizations change, many new positions have emerged on the career landscape in recent years. These emerging jobs are gaining in popularity and, as studies and experts predict, are likely to dominate the future of work and become commonplace fixtures for many organizations. On “The Radar” this quarter are positions on the rise. We invite you to explore these emerging jobs and meet some local professionals in these roles.
Jon Guerra Jr. | Creative Director, Drone Pilot, Jon Guerra Productions
While drones may seem relatively new, the United States has been developing unmanned aircraft technology for over 90 years. With its original roots heavily in military usage, unmanned flight has since expanded over the last several decades to see widespread use in marketing and photography, consumer electronics and more. Over the last decade, there has been an explosion of drone operations in many industries, from commerce and retail to delivering packages to surveillance for police and fire departments.
To fly a drone, the FAA requires operators to obtain a Remote Pilot Certification, which demonstrates an understanding of the requirements, regulations and procedures for safely flying drones.
Lisa Wisner | Senior Curator of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, OpenSesame
Roles relating to diversity, equity and inclusion have exploded in recent years. LinkedIn reported that from 2015 to 2020, there was a 107% increase in those with “Head of Diversity” in their title and a 68% increase in those with “Chief Diversity Officer” in their title.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) efforts include policies, initiatives and programs in the workplace that encourage and promote representation and participation of all. DE&I seeks to include those of different genders, races, cultures, ages, sexual orientation and more, with the goal of fostering a diverse workforce that welcomes all and ensures employees have equal access and opportunity. DE&I efforts are meant to touch all aspects of an organization, from day-to- day operations to the company culture.
Francisca Deter | Environmental Engineer, LyondellBasell
Environmental engineering is an emerging position that incorporates disciplines of civil and chemical engineering. It is a profession that encompasses broad scientific studies such as biology, geology, microbiology, chemistry and more to develop concepts and solutions that preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and its living organisms.
Environmental engineers work in various industries and settings, including urban and regional planning, construction and petrochemical. Air pollution, water supply and wastewater treatments are some applications that environmental engineers may be asked to address. Their scope of work can include ensuring an organization meets or exceeds the environmental requirements set forth by regulatory agencies and identifying opportunities to reduce emissions.