Not everyone is a gardener, sure, but anyone can bring Mother Nature’s gifts into the home in the name of the season. Spring florals are making a timely statement in home design and accessories, and from colorful wallpapers with oversized prints to mini blossoms on a picture frame, the choices are numerous. Scared to take the leap? Try a temporary taste with boldly patterned dinnerware or a cheerful earring bouquet. Afraid to get lost in the garden? Add stripes or a geometric pattern to give structure to a wild and loose print. As the summer heat begins to turn everything brown, you’ll be enjoying a floral paradise … in cool air conditioning.
Design Index
Wallpaper and Fabric Samples, Brass Grasshopper Chic to Chic. Flower Earrings Jewels. Paint Samples Pittsburgh Paints. Floral Picture Frame HomeGoods. Spode Dinnerware Wildflowers.