Through Their Lens: David Capote - The Bend Magazine

Through Their Lens: David Capote

How one local photographer sees our city through his lens

Words and Photos by: David Capote

My name is David Capote and I am a self-taught, 27-year-old photographer and videographer, based in the Corpus Christi area.
Photography hasn’t always been a passion of mine. Actually, before 2017, I had never picked up a camera. During my transition into being Medically Retired from the United States Navy, I had bought my first camera as a new hobby. My interest wasn’t initially consumed by the shooting of the photos, but by the editing. It was just something about making a photo look like your own. Twisting the colors in different directions not always to make it look like you saw that day, but what you wanted to see. I think it’s the creative control I never really had in my previous “work” that attracts me to a profession in the Visual Arts. My favorite part of photography is that there’s always something new to shoot, if you’re looking for it. Even a scene that you’ve photographed a million times can look completely different the next day.