The Wild and Wonderful Kent Ullberg - The Bend Magazine

The Wild and Wonderful Kent Ullberg

The newest exhibition at the Art Museum of South Texas features over 45 works from the iconic artist

By: Jessie Monsivais  Photo courtesy of the Art Museum of South Texas

Lions, and tigers, and bear, oh my…well, kind of. 

The Art Museum of South Texas is proud to celebrate the Wild and WonderfulbrSculptures of Kent Ullberg. On display from May 18 – August 18, thebrretrospective of world-renowned sculptor, Kent Ullberg brings inside thebrartist’s process.


The exhibit features 50 sculptures from private and public collectionsbrincluding pieces from the Art Museum of South Texas Permanent Collection.


Through the usebrof award-winning software programs and Museum displays, AMST will incorporatebrfour interactive education installations to bring the world of Ullberg to ourbrvisitors through technology. From moquettes, tools, and sketchbooks tobrdrawings and grouped parts that illuminate the process for casting sculpture,brthe installation will include four different styles of interactive andbreducational presentations. 

Including an ‘up-projection’ of wildlife habitatsbrthrough images and sounds (try not to sit and stare at this thing for longer than 30 minutes). As well as a hands-on touch display that allows thebrvisitor to discover the various locations of Ullberg’s art on display and abrlarge-scale digital wall projection of a triptych sculpture depicting threebrprogressive screens for the viewer to render a photo of an abstract image to abrrealistic one. Cleverly titled, “Where in the World is Kent Ullberg?”, the installation also features an interactive app that, when pointed towards the wall label, shares additional information about thebrartwork on display. Large-format photo murals of major outdoor installationsbrfrom around the world from Sweden, United Kingdom, China, Luxembourg, SouthbrAfrica, and the U.S are also included as part of the exhibition.


“The Art Museum of South Texas could not be more excited to havebrthe opportunity to honor an artist of Kent Ullberg’s caliber,” shares SarabrMorgan, AMST Interim Director. “He is a well-traveled, internationallybrrespected and revered artist that chooses to live in Corpus Christi. He seesbrabundant beauty in South Texas wildlife, and represents a lot of it with hisbrwork. 


The reputation of the Swedish native, as both an artist and sculptor, cannotbrbe exaggerated. Ullberg’s work is a celebration of his extensive career as abrworldly distinguished wildlife sculptor. 


The National Academy of Design elected Ullbergbras a full academician – the first wildlife artist since John James Audubon tobrreceive one of the utmost honors in American art.  Kent has achieved numerous other national andbrinternational awards for his works of art. Kent studied at SwedishbrUniversity College of Art in Stockholm and has worked in museums in Europe andbrAfrica. Ullberg and his wife, Veerle, reside on Padre Island in Corpus Christi,brTexas, but also maintain a studio in Loveland, Colorado. Kent is best known forbrhis iconic community sculptures, and his global acclamation stems from the monumentalbrwork he achieves for museums and municipalities across the globe.

The exhibition will be on display until the 18th of August. For more information, visit