The Divine Feminine - The Bend Magazine

The Divine Feminine

The Water Street Hub to host first event of its kind this Saturday

By: Jessie Monsivais  Photo by: Rachel Benavides (from May 2018 Archives) 

Co-founder of Yoga Time Studios Leah Murray and Panama native Venus Berti are bringing a collective women empowerment experience to the creativebrhub of the Water Street Village. Join Yoga Time Studios and Water Street Hub onbrSaturday, January 25, for the Divine Women’s Gathering starting at 7pm. The newbrmoon gathering includes meditation and the consumption of cacao in many formsbrto expand awareness and set intentions with gratitude.

“This gathering is a network of sorts for connections beyond,” Leahbrshares. “The cacao we are consuming has been imported from the native region ofbrBocas Del Toro, Panama, and is directly processed by the Ngabe-Bugle Indians ofbrBocas Del Toro.”


Cacao is a heart opener. Leah says there are countless reasons whybrit is good for you. Rich with antioxidants and iron, it works as a natural moodbrelevator and anti-depressant. Research suggests theobromine, the scientificbrname for cacao, helps protect the heart in several ways, including naturallybrlowering blood pressure.


 “We will be practicingbrlight yoga and breath work in the private space of Water Street Hub. We will bebrseated and laying down the majority of the time and will also be placing ourbrintentions for the new moon and releasing anything that is needed to be let go.”


Although the event is women only, Leah shares that the studio isbrworking on creating another event for men, called The Sacred MasculinebrGathering.


“This first of its kind event will allow the Corpus Christibrcommunity to experience what we have been sharing in our community in Panama.brIt is geared towards all women, but as we grow, it will definitely be open tobrall genders looking to experience the divine feminine & masculine,” Leahbrsays passionately. “The importance of this being ladies only is that we arebrcreating a safe space for the divine feminine to be acknowledged and expressedbrin all forms.”


 “Through the society, webrhave created boundaries and suffering, among many other emotions and feelingsbrthat are tied to our human experience. By acknowledging these patterns andbrfacing where they come from, we create a process of rebirth – a restart buttonbrif you will. These gatherings touch on these concepts as we practice ways to bebrmore aware.”


The Divine Feminine gatherings are donation based and will be heldbraround the new moon or full moon of every month.


For more information, visit
