The Birdiest Place in America - The Bend Magazine

The Birdiest Place in America

Celebrate National Bird Day by heading outdoors and learning about the hundreds of native species right here in the Coastal Bend.

Words by: Jarred Schuetze  Photos by: Rachel Benavides

Another day, another national holiday made popular by socialbrmedia. With all of the random and dare I say pointless national days tobrobserve, one that should be on your radar is National Bird Day. With so many naturebrlovers and avid bird watchers across the country, there’s good reasonbrbehind the annually recognition of National Bird Day on January 5.


Opposite of most, this national day wasn’t created to praisebran everyday item people love, but to promote avian awareness. According tobrstudies by Born Free USA, nearly 12 percent of the world’s 10,000 species ofbrbird are in danger of extinction. Each year, millions of birds are capturedbrfrom the wild or produced in captivity for commercial profit or humanbramusement, only to decline in conditions that neglect the instinctivebrbehavioral and physical needs of these wild animals. The AvianbrWelfare Coalition’s National Bird Day campaign aims to reduce the suffering ofbrbirds by raising public awareness of the destructive bird trade, the cruel realitiesbrof bird breeding mills, and ways to improve the welfare of birds already inbrcaptivity.


This year, join other admirers in celebrating National BirdbrDay by grabbing binoculars and venturing out to one of the Coastal Bend’s reputablebrnature preserves and sanctuaries for some of the best bird watching in thebrcountry.


Local Wildlife Sanctuaries and Nature Preserves:

Hazel Bazemore County Park
4343 Co Rdbr69, Corpus Christi, TX 78410 

Hans & Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge
EnnisbrJoslin at Nile, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
1 WildbrLife Circle, Austwell, TX 77950
Leonabelle Turnball Birding Center
1356 RossbrAve, Port Aransas, TX 78373
Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary & Wildlife Sanctuary
1401-1499brS Church St, Rockport, TX 78382

Here are other ways to get educated and become involved.

Learn about the amazing efforts of the Texas State Aquarium’sbrSecond Chances Wildlife Rehabilitation Program:
Support reputable bird rescues and sanctuaries. More aboutbrsanctuaries here:
Spread awareness by visiting and sharing the new NationalbrBird Day Campaign Facebook page:


