By: Corpus Christi Institute of Plastic Surgery
For many women, recapturing a youthful figure through breastbraugmentation can be the change they need to once again feel confident in theirbrbodies. Our surgeons use the latest techniques and breast implants available tobrproduce beautiful, natural and youthful breast appearances.
Our office in Corpus Christi, TX, will work with you to discoverbryour specific enhancement goals in order to recommend an appropriate size andbrshape for the procedure. The location of the incision is also determined afterbrthe discussion and examination. Since we offer silicone, saline, and the newbrgummy bear breast implants, special care will be taken to ensure you arebrgetting the aesthetic and shape you desire.
There are two common incision sitesbrour surgeons use for breast augmentation: the periareolar incision (areola) andbrthe most popular option, the inframammary incision (the natural crease underbrthe breast that hides the scarring.) The incision technique chosen will varybrdepending on the breast implant type, the size of the enlargement, each woman’sbrparticular anatomy and the preference of the surgeon and patient.
You have two options when it comes to selecting the type of breastbrimplant you would like to use for your augmentation: silicone or saline.
Most patients choose silicone breast implants, which are filledbrwith silicone gel. The gel has the feel and movement similar to natural breastbrtissue. If a silicone breast implant develops a leak, the gel may escape intobrthe area of tissue in which the breast implant was placed. A leaking breastbrimplant filled with silicone gel will not collapse.
Saline breast implants can be chosen as well and are filled withbrsterile saltwater. The amount of saline in the breast implant can vary, affectingbrthe feel, firmness and actual shape of the breast. Saline is harmless to thebrpatient, and in the case of a leak, the saline will be absorbed naturally bybrthe body.
It may seem like an unnecessarybraddition to your breast augmentation cost, but a warranty will add value tobryour breast augmentation surgery because it will protect you from added costsbrin the future. Be sure to discuss it during your consultation.
For patients who are not able tobrpay for cosmetic procedures up front, there are patient financing optionsbravailable. Financing offers patients the option to cut down the initial breastbraugmentation cost by allowing you to make payments that fit your budget. Ourbrsurgeons offer financing through Care Credit. Our Patient Care Coordinator goesbrover your options during your consultation appointment.
The results of your breastbraugmentation surgery are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swellingbrwill resolve and incision lines will fade. Satisfaction with your new imagebrshould continue to grow as you recover and realize the fulfillment of your goalbrfor fuller breasts.
If you are looking to ring in thebrnew year with an even better you call us today 361-888-7417!