Q&A With Musician Shilxh - The Bend Magazine

Q&A With Musician Shilxh

In this interview, we catch up with Corpus Christi native Shilxh and see how she’s doing creatively, projects on the docket, and more

Conversation By: Luis Arjona   Photos Via Shlixh

Corpus Christi, Texas is full ofbrsurprises. Once a hub for attracting talent, the city is a pool of talentbrwaiting to be discovered. The Coastal Bend offers a slate of impressive alumnibrwho have gone on to do wonderful work. However, let us not forget about thebryoung talent that is still here or around the area working to make a name forbrthemselves. The community is growing exponentially with a roster that boastsbrnotable talent. Scrolling through Twitter, I stumble upon an interviewbrretweeted by none other than El Dusty. The interview talks about San Antoniobrartist Heartless the Monster’s new track “Guava,” in collaboration with CorpusbrChristi native Shlixh. I gave it a listen. Next thing I know, I accidentallybrhad it on loop for thirty minutes. The song is a wonderful summer hit that (Ibrwill probably receive flack for this take) may give “WatermelonbrSugar” a run for its money.


Shilxh is a 22-year-old singer-songwriterbrfrom Corpus Christi, Texas. After going down a rabbit hole of her work, Shilxhbrboasts a potent mix of indie-pop and R&B. Glimpses of soft rock pourbrthrough as her strong yet calming voice has the same effect as when I listen tobr”More” by IAMDDB. ~ Chills ~


In 2017 she set out to expandbrher work as a singer-songwriter by moving to Austin, Texas. Forming a band andbrreleasing her first album, It’s Okay. Shlixh is working on more music,brcollaborating with musicians in the Texas music scene, and honing her craft.

Luis: So, thank youbragain for agreeing to do this interview! I want to begin by seeing how you arebrdoing. You are based out of Austin, Texas. How has the area been treating you?


–       Shilxh: Absolutely, thank you forbrletting me be a part of this! Yes, I am living in Austin, Texas, and I’m lovingbrit!. I spend every other day either on Lady Bird lake (respectably distanced,brof course) or jamming music with some close friends. It’s been lovely for mybrsoul to be back in this environment despite the troubling and unforeseeablebrtimes. I feel incredibly grateful to be alive and still doing what I lovebralongside so many amazing artists.


I stumbled upon yourbrinterview regarding your new song, “Guava.” First off, what a funbrtrack. It has led me down a rabbit hole of your entire body of work, and I mustbrsay you have a lot of talent. What or who do you credit for helping orbrinspiring your work?


–      Thank you! That means a lot to me. I lovebrthat song—so much fun to make. I’d easily credit my musical influence to mybrparents. I grew up watching them sing and play guitar in church. In fact, theybrmet in church. They’d sing cover songs and originals they had written togetherbrat coffee shops for fun. My sisters all know how to sing too, so music andbrcreativity just runs in my family. We would sing together sometimes and dobrthree-part harmonies while my dad strummed away. As far as artists that I lookbrup to, I’d say Sade is a HUGE inspiration to me, Amy Winehouse (duh), and FKAbrTwigs.


I see you havebrworked with Kinder and Quentin Arispe, a couple of talented artists from CorpusbrChristi. Since being back, I have noticed a growing collective of young peoplebrpushing themselves and their craft. Are there any other artists from the areabryou would like to work with or shout out?


–      Corpus Christi holds so much talent, andbrthe potential is crazy. The amount of creativity being pushed out through art,brmusic, photography, and fashion is seriously so heartwarming and inspirational.brIt gives our city the vision that we don’t have to settle for an ordinarybrprofession. You can truly accomplish what you wish to in any environment. I’mbrso happy to see Corpus continue to support it. Moniq is a local artist that I’dbrlove to collaborate with. She is an angel with a beautiful voice and has sobrmuch going for her! Check out her music on Spotify!


How long have youbrbeen making music? What got you started?


– I’ve been making music forbrabout 3 years now. But I’ve been singing legitimately for as long as I canbrremember. I did choir and theatre in school and sang continuously in my freebrtime. However, I never knew that I’d end up seriously pursuing making music. Ibrthink I got caught up in the pressure of what was expected, along with watchingbrall of my peers choose which college they wanted to go to. I ended up taking abrgap year, telling my parents I needed time to figure out what my path was.brHowever, I didn’t apply to college because, in my heart, I knew it was not thebrtime, nor did I feel that I’d genuinely be happy there. I ended up thankfullybrmeeting my now dear friend, producer, and bandmate, Sully, with whom I moved tobrAustin with. We eventually ended up recording what would be my first project,br”It’s Okay.” Since then, I’ve collaborated with a few talentedbrartists. My love for music and my art has only continued to bloom and flourish.brI don’t know where I’d be without singing, and I’m so grateful I was led tobrrealize what I was meant to do with this lifetime. I can’t wait to keepbroffering songs and good vibrations to open hearts.


I don’t know if youbrare a karaoke person, but have you ever surprised people at a bar before?


–      This question gave me flashbacks! Ibractually have not had the opportunity to sing karaoke here in Austin, nor am Ibrthe type to really indulge in it (those who know me know I get really nervousbrbefore going on any stage). However, I have sung a couple of times in Corpus atbrthe Surf Club and other places downtown. Some of the bar-goers will come up andbrrequest another one or tell me I should make music. I usually either plugbrmyself or say, “I’ll think about it,” haha.


What were youbrreading, listening to, or watching while working on Guava?


–      I actually wrote my verse while Kinderbrwas working on the beat in the studio! Heartless wanted a summer hit,brbeach-party vibe, and we definitely got there. Once I heard Heartless’ rap versebron that song, I knew exactly where I wanted to go with it. I started messingbrwith different melodies I was hearing and ended up writing a kind of responsebrto his verse. It was such a fun summery vibe in that room, I was so hyped forbrit.


How have you beenbrstaying busy or working towards a goal during quarantine?


– I’ve definitely learned to letbrgo of the pull to do something when we are doing nothing. I already enjoy mybrsolitude as it is, so as a result being alone can be really good for mybrwell-being and overall state of mind. Of course, however, I have been trying tobrkeep active, spending time paddle boarding, writing, and working on somebrsurprise projects coming soon. I’m so grateful to have the privilege ofbrcontinuing to work on what I love during these times. It truly brings in thebrperspective of all the abundance right in front of me.


Would you say thebrpandemic has helped with focusing on your craft?


– I’ve been able to hone in onbrmy craft so much more this year. After taking the time to refocus my attentionbron my well-being and the well-being of my community, I’ve been able to applybrmyself to music differently. It’s my offering, and it always has been. It’s notbrabout the messenger; it is genuinely about the message for me. I think artistsbrnowadays get so caught up in the idolization and fame that comes with the musicbrindustry. That’s precisely what I’m letting go of. The attention and invasionbrof privacy that comes with allowing your art to be shared have always scaredbrme. I want to preserve my music and keep it untainted and pure. I don’t everbrwant to feel like what I’m singing isn’t true. This introspective time hasbrelevated that mentality in my life even more. It has forced me to change mybrmentality and who I surround myself with, which is essential. Yourbrrelationships (professional or not) have such a significant effect on yourbrenergy and state of mind. Protect yourself and your art like it’s gold.


Do you have anybrprojects currently on your docket that we can expect soon?


–      That, I absolutely do! I have an excitingbrsingle coming soon alongside some long-awaited surprises in the works. My bandbrand I are recording a live version of my debut single “Faces andbrNames” coming soon as well! brHeartless the Monster and I are also working on an album togetherbrcurrently. We plan to drop singles featured from the album leading up to itsbrrelease. Much more, I can’t mention on the way, so buckle up!


Whose work isbrcurrently on your radar?


– I’m so glad you asked this.brI’m OBSESSED with Giveon right now. His voice is so smooth and low, it’sbrfantastic. Also, “Baby Powder” by Jenevieve is on my repeat playlistbron Spotify. So fire.


Can we expect abrhometown show once the pandemic is over?


–      Without a doubt. A hometown show in Corpusbrwould be so beyond special for me. It’s something I’ve been dreaming of for abrlong time. I cannot wait for that day.


Is there anythingbrelse you’d like to plug?


–      Yes! Please follow me on Spotify if you haven’tbralready. All you gotta search for is “shilxh,” and you’ll find me. (fbryou don’t use that platform, I’m on Apple music and more!) I’m also onbrInstagram: @_shilxh. You can follow me there to stay up to date regarding mybrart, upcoming releases, etc. Thank you if you already do!


Spotify: Shilxh

Apple Music: Shlixh