It’s 6:30 a.m., it’sbrraining, but Linzee Garza is dutifully taking care of 220-pound pig named Bubba.
That’s because Linzee,brher brother Jaydon, and hundreds of South Texas youths have been preparing forbrthe Nueces County Junior Livestock Show.
This Livestock Show isbra two-week event that showcases work in agriculture, homemaking, and industrialbrfields. It aims to teach adolescents about responsibility, leadership,bragriculture, and collaboration.
Elementary, middle,brand high school aged children will be converging at the Richard M. BorchardbrRegional Fairgrounds in Robstown, TX for the shows and activities that runbrthrough January 21. Those visiting can expect to see months and even years ofbrhard work by many Coastal Bend kids on proud display.
But before their bigbrday, it’s all about the many days before where they tend to animals or work onbrprojects.
That’s what 14bryear-old Linzee has been doing for about six months. Rain or shine, heat orbrfreezing cold, she has been caring for Bubba the pig and a heifer named Jumper sincebrthey were six weeks old. Her secret to success is regulating their schedule.
“You have to be verybrconsistent with everything that they do.” She explains, “You have to dobreverything on time. And if you don’t, it affects them. You can’t be late forbranything.”
This week, Linzee’s animalsbrand Jayden’s wagon shop project will be on display. The many events on thisbryear’s schedule includes lambs, goats, auctions, and more.
Parents aren’t justbrexcited to see their children’s projects on display. Raul and his wife arebrproud to see how it’s impacted their children’s lives. The product of theirbrhard work and discipline isn’t only raising animals or building incrediblebrprojects — it gives back tenfold by helping kids grow into mature adults.
“It’s done a lot forbrthem.” Raul says. “I would not hesitate to do this again.
In fact, many go on tobrbecome annual competitors. One such regular is Calallen sophomore KatelynbrRumfield. She’s been raising Cyrus, a 240-pound pig for eight years.
Being dedicated is Katelyn’sbradvice to those thinking about competing in the show; “It is a lot ofbrresponsibility and takes commitment.”
She, just like Linzee,brencourages everyone to think about getting involved.
“It’s hard work, butbrit’s all worth it,” says Linzee. “It’s very fun being at the show, too.”
To learn more about The Nueces County Junior Livestock Show,brvisit: