Best Places to Feel Nostalgic - The Bend Magazine

Best Places to Feel Nostalgic

City checkpoints from past and present.

By: Julieta Hernadez  Photo by: Rachel Benavides


Time flies when we’re making memories. The Coastal Bend has been around, and there are countless places – checkpoints from the past and present alike – that ring a certain echo. Pulling at our most nostalgic heartstrings, here are the five best spots where time just seems to blend in.


Dine & Shop at Hamlin Fountain & Gifts


Back in 1960, Hamlin Fountain & Gifts (then Hamlin Pharmacy) opened their doors as a pharmacy and classic soda shop. Although the name has changed and the pharmacy is long gone, this is still a local icon we all know and love. Walk in, sit at the bar, and order a burger and shake from good ole Jesse. It’s a sure way to catch those oh-so-familiar nostalgic feels. 3801 South Staples 


Eating Dinner at Snapka’s Drive Inn


This epic drive-in diner has been feeding hungry Corpus Christians since the late ’40s. Take a trip down memory lane and travel back to the times when meeting up with your friends at the drive-in was the hot ticket on a Friday night. Cruise up to a spot and someone will come straight to your car to take your order! Pro Tip: Join Snapka’s for their monthly “Nostalgia Nite” event where you can cool down with a malt, look at vintage cars, and mix and mingle with friends both old and new. 4434 Weber Rd. & 4760 Leopard St. 

Visiting Hybrid Records


Did you buy that record player or take it from your grandparents’ garage? Either way, it’s not a waste of space. Nothing says nostalgia like a good ole jam sesh on the record player. Bring back the tunes with a trip to Hybrid Records, where you can find vinyl of fresh-and flashback-beats. Take a trip down memory lane as you browse through their selection of old hits. Travel back in time to all your favorite decades with the simple flip of a record. 4233 S. Alameda St.


Touring the Ritz Theater


When the Ritz opened its doors in 1929, it wasn’t that different than it is today, just maybe a little livelier. Within the walls of the theater that witnessed the tail of the Great Depression, WWII, and probably our grandparents’ favorite rock concerts, a tour during your next downtown route will rouse some fond memories you didn’t even know you had. 715 N Chaparral St.

*This article has been modified since its original posting. You may no longer visit Sunrise Mall.