Be Your Own Breast Friend - The Bend Magazine

Be Your Own Breast Friend

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, educate yourself on ways to check up on yourself

By: Corpus Christi Institute of Plastic Surgery 


What isbrBreast Cancer?


BreastbrCancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues ofbrthe breast. Did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breastbrcancer in her lifetime? No one knows the exact cause of Breast Cancer but whatbrwe do know it is caused by damage to a cell’s DNA. We also know that women withbrcertain risk factors are more likely than others to develop breast cancer.brHaving a risk factor does not mean that a woman will get breast cancer. Manybrwomen who have risk factors never develop breast cancer.


While youbrcan’t prevent cancer, it is important to be proactive about yourbrhealth. Adult women of all ages are encouraged to perform breastbrself-exams at least once a month. If you find a lump, schedule anbrappointment with your doctor, but don’t panic not all lumps are cancerous. Callbryour doctor whenever you have concerns. Mammograms can often show a breast lumpbrbefore it can be felt. Lumps or specks can be caused by cancer, fatty cells, orbrother conditions like cysts. Further tests are needed to find out if abnormalbrcells are present.


Women 40brand older should have mammograms every 1 or 2 years. Women who are younger thanbr40 and have risk factors for breast cancer should ask their healthcarebrprofessional whether mammograms are advisable and how often to have them.


What isbrBreast Reconstruction?


Women whobrhave had surgery like a Mastectomy as part of their breast cancer treatmentbrhave the option to choose breast reconstruction surgery. The breastbrreconstruction itself consists of multiple operations, the first of whichbrinvolves the creation of the breast mound and is performed during or after thebrmastectomy in a hospital and under general anesthesia. Later surgeries, ifbrnecessary, may be done in the hospital or an outpatient facility, with eitherbrgeneral or local anesthesia.


The breastbrreconstruction can be performed immediately after the mastectomy in many casesbrto get the best results. In certain cases, delaying the breast reconstructionbrmay be the best option. A consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, whobrwill review your medical history after a detailed examination, will allow us tobradvise you best on the recommended treatment.


How doesbrit work? 

A commonly used reconstructive technique combines skinbrexpansion with implant insertion. First, the surgeon inserts abrballoon expander beneath the skin and chest muscle. In the office, a salinebr(salt water) solution is injected into the expander, stretching the skin untilbrthe breast mound reaches the desired size. The expander is then replaced with abrpermanent implant. A final procedure reconstructs the nipple and areola (thebrdark area of skin around the nipple). In very rare situations, a patient maybrnot require tissue expansion but will begin with the implant.


Another,brtype of breast implant reconstruction involves the creation of a breast usingbrtissue from other parts of the body. The tissue that is transferredbrconsists of skin, fat and occasionally muscle from the back, abdomen or thigh. 


Breastbrreconstruction surgery is performed to restore a natural, symmetricalbrappearance to the breast; maintain body proportion; allows clothes to fitbrbetter and, most important of all, boosts self-confidence for women who havebrlost one or both breasts to mastectomy or who lack breasts due to a congenitalbror developmental abnormality. Our surgeons strive to create a new breast andbrnipple that resemble the woman’s natural breast as closely as possible inbrshape, size and position. The unaffected breast is also reshaped to give it abrmore youthful look with improved symmetry.
