A Fresh Take - The Bend Magazine

A Fresh Take

Fresco Is Serving Up The Right Things, At The Right Time

By: Jessie Monsivais Photos By: Rachel Benavides

Fresco, a new fresh face in Downtown Corpus Christi, isbrserving up Mexican fruit cups and antojitos to the on-the-go lunch crowd andbrbustling late-night scene. With a prime location in the heart of Downtown,brFresco brings Hispanic culture and representation to the area through food,brcommunity, and entertainment.


Oneida and Tony Maldonado, the masterminds behind Fresco,brshare their reason for bringing the spot to Downtown Corpus Christi. “I feltbrlike Corpus needed this. There is a lot of Mexican heritage here and we felt itbrneeded to be represented downtown.”


The couple started working on recipes at Recess Bar &brGrill. They both share a joy for experimenting with ideas and seeing them comebrto life – and so, Fresco was born. Upon renovations to Recess, Oneida and Tonybrdecided it was the perfect time to spread their wings.


But finding their new space wasn’t a simple process. Oneidabrshares that the Downtown Management District helped them find their ground. “Webrbothered everyone who had a place for lease. [This space] was not for lease atbrthe time we were looking. I owe it all to the Downtown Management District,brbecause they’re the ones who got us in contact with the landlord we have now.”


Thankfully, Fresco will now be able to serve their deliciousbrdishes to all. That includes the Lonches, a Mexican sandwich served on abrbolillo roll with Fresco’s homemade chicken salad or pulled pork, topped withbrqueso fresco and pico de gallo. Alternatively, their Ceviche Bowl featuresbrfresh drum and shrimp in lime juice with jalapenos, onions, and tomatoes,brserved over cilantro lime rice with a side of black beans and corn salad, andbrtopped with an avocado. An added bonus? A lot of their dishes have vegetarianbroptions, as well!


The menu will also include a fresh selection of fruit cups,brfruit cocktails, and frozen treats such as the Mangonada, a mango sorbet mixed with chunks of fresh mango, lime,brand chile powder, served with a tamarind straw. They’ll also be whipping upbrhomemade Aguas Frescas that come dressed with a rim of lime and chile for anbrextra kick of flavor.


The dining area will be opened up for guests to enjoy theirbrfresco inside – safe from the Coastal Bend heat. It will also serve as a newbrgathering space for locals and tourists alike, with the hope of cultivating abrnew community meeting spot for all. Oneida hopes for the space to welcome morebrlocal artists to showcase their talents: The front window of the restaurantbrwill feature new artists every month, from art to clothing and woodwork.


“We have been so lucky to have such great friends to help usbrget our name out there. I’m lucky that we have a small group of local artistsbrthat help us bring change – be more open to things. I want to bring more peoplebrdowntown and expand the bubble. I hope this is a step in the right direction tobrbring more diversity and representation,” says Oneida.


619 N Chaparral St.


Corpus Christi, TXbr78401


(361) 442-2253

