We’re Doing it Live - The Bend Magazine

We’re Doing it Live

Local podcast will record their first live episode at the 3rd Annual Brewery Festival

By: Kylie Cooper  Photo by: Rachel Benavides

It has been said the two greatest artforms known to humanitybrare beer and movies. And, when I say it has been said, I mean there is a groupbrof four guys who say it about once a week on their podcast. Insert Beer and abrMovie here.


As local podcast, Beer and a Movie, approaches their onebryear anniversary, the crew (Texas A&M University – CC media professors DavidbrGurney and Ethan Thompson, local quality of life advocate Joe Hillard, and HybridbrRecords owner Carlos Cooper) plan to celebrate in a big way. With their firstbrever live recording, the podcast will be taking the main stage as a part of thebr3rd Annual Corpus Christi Brewery Festival this Saturday at 2:00 PM.


“Our podcast has a very simple formula,” Cooper said. “Webrwatch a couple of movies and then get together to talk about them over some ofbrthe best craft beer in America.” And, with their live recording location beingbrthe Brewery Festival, they figured the movies they would talk about should bebrbeer related. If you’re interested in watching the movies prior to the conversation,bryou’ll want to watch Smokey and the Banditbrand Strange Brew, as these beerbrclassics will be the two movies the gang will discuss.


“Smokey and the Bandit and Strange Brew—these are moviesbrthat everyone has seen and most can quote along with,” said Hilliard. “A groupbrof craft beer lovers talking interstate Coors smuggling and Canadian beerbrhosers? Who isn’t ready for this?”


The festival will feature brews from both near and far (notbrthat far). Breweries from all across Texas will be present at the festival forbryou to taste. All your favorite local brews such as Rebel Toad, B&J’s,brLorelei, and Lazy Beach will also be in attendance.


“We couldn’t be more pleased to be involved in the CorpusbrChristi Brewery Festival,” said Gurney. “The guest brewery lineup for thebrfestival is going to give everyone the opportunity to try new beers from acrossbrTexas. We’ll find the most exciting beers and talk about them in front of andbrwith our live audience.”