Talk Of The Town: The Minimal Centerpiece - The Bend Magazine

Talk Of The Town: The Minimal Centerpiece

Simple and clean decorations gives your home a chance to breathe

By: Jarred Schuetze

Fresh, clean, and simple. These descriptors should come to mind when you visualize a minimal centerpiece or table setting. Scrap the heavy textures and rich colors this season and give your home the chance to breathe. Focus on making a big impact with fewer materials. You can’t go wrong with transparent glass or neutral colored vases. Fill your vessel with water, clip a stem from your favorite plant, and vwah-lah.

Local Places We Love to Shop for Plants

Bandas Nursery & Flowers
1917 Ayers St., Corpus Christ, TX

Bay Area Landscape Nursery
5902 S. Staples St., Corpus Christi, TX

Bloomers Nursery & Landscape
114 W. 4th St., Rockport, TX

Gill Landscape Nursery
2810 Airline Rd., Corpus Christi, TX

Greens N Things
809 Houston St., Portland, TX

Turner’s Gardenland
6503 S. Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, TX