Word by: Kylie Kinnett Photos by: Rachel Benavides
Street style. An approach to an outfit that emerges not frombra studio or a mainstream trend, but from the roots of those who are wearing it.brIt’s personal and relays a message about the individual in regards to how theybrview the fashion world.
Kim Rios, owner of a personal styling and shopping business and vintage retailer Metropolis Culture, is no stranger to the realm of street style. Keeping true to thebrauthentic and personalized themes that make up street style, Kim refers to herbrown personal version of street style as a combination of both vintage andbrcontemporary. Creating timeless looks from pieces she has bargain shopped orbrthrifted, she is able to curate looks that are both chic and unique.
“I like to think an outfit worn today will translate just asbrwell in two, five, or even ten years,” Kim says. “Inevitably I am a bit of abrrisk taker, in fashion and in life.”
Kim’s passion for all things style stems from wanting tobrcreate new looks and help others feel good in their clothes. “Friends andbrfamily have always come to me for my fashion sensibilities,” she says. “I havebrended up styling more strangers than I can count and figured I should turn mybrpassion into a business opportunity.”
Kim hopes to bring more individuality to the fashion scenebrhere in Corpus Christi. “There tends to be a rather blasé attitude aboutbrfashion here,” Kim remarks. “Our local fashion is already one or two yearsbrbehind and I feel the need to step it up. Everyone is unique and that shouldbralways come through in your style.”