By: Michela May Photo Provided By: Corpus Christi Football Club
Friday night’s game will begin at 7 pm, located at the Dr.brJack Dugan Family Soccer and Swim Stadium, 800brNile Dr. The Corpus Christ Football Club Sharks will be up againstbrMississippi Brilla. Each ticket sale will give a portion of the ticket price tobrsupport the Coastal Bend CASA group so that they can provide children in fosterbrcare the services they need!
CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate, butbrdespite the juristic name they do everything they can to serve children thatbrhave been displaced from their homes. These members are here to speak up forbrchildren in court, to help them build family connections, be a role model, andbreven an advocate for their education and health. They are truly putting their entirebrlives into helping these kids!
By promoting and supporting the volunteers at CASA, thebrCorpus Christi Football Club hopes to gather further interest from futurebrvolunteers for their next training session on July 16th. With morebrvolunteers, more children can have the guidance and support they need to travelbrthe foster care system and find a forever family!
They hope to gather another 15 volunteers to add to thebrexisting 147 members. They are already serving more than 300 kids, but anotherbr800 are in foster care from last year alone without the help they need! CASA will have an informationbrtable for the game attendees to learn more about the organization.
If you would like to participate or learn even more, CASAbrmeets every Wednesday for a 45 minute Info Session at noon, located at 2602
To get tickets for thebrgame, visit