By: Michela May Photo By: Rachel Benavides
This weekend marks a special event for the House of Rockbrfamily. Celebrating their 14th birthday, this local favorite is making sure tobrprovide everyone with entertainment and drinks all day long. But don’t get it twisted, this isbrnot just a place for daiquiris and beers. The House of Rock has been usingbrtheir space for entertainment ever since its doors firstbropened back in 2005, showcasing over 5000 bands and 1500 concerts on its stage. The mainstay has become an epicenter for all things arts and culture here in the Coastal Bend.
The HoR crew will be starting things off right at noon on Sunday, with a brunch of chickenbrand waffles and a Bloody Mary bar included. This will be going on until 3 PM, so makebrsure to grab tickets before they’re all gone!
All evening, live music will be keeping the party flowing,brwith David Beck’s Tejano Weekend headlining the event, and guests Mobley and SweetbrDaddy accompanying to bring in all tastes of Texas music to the stage. The Fundaze will alsobrbe staring, taking stage to provide the brunch attendees the music they need tobrstart up the celebration.
Casey Lain, founder of House of Rock, has been supportingbrthe local community since the business’ foundation, keeping the doors openbralmost every single night for games and live music events, celebratingbreverything we have here in the Coastal Bend.
Sunday is no exception for this, and House of Rock hasbrmade sure to make a lineup that keeps up the energy all night long. Once the musicbrstarts, 6 bands will be taking the stage, performing like any other concert andbrkeeping it loud and proud for all of Downtown.
Get tickets for thebrbrunch at their website,, or visit their Facebook page tobrlearn more about the music lineup for this Sunday