Refine & Rediscover Your Contours - The Bend Magazine

Refine & Rediscover Your Contours

Liposuction is America's fastest growing and most popular surgical procedure

By: Corpus Christi Institute of Plastic Surgery 

As you get older,brregardless of how much you exercise or diet, getting rid of unwanted fatbrdeposits can be very difficult. That is why liposuction, also known asbrlipoplasty, is America’s fastest growing and most popular surgical procedure.brThis procedure is not a method of weight loss but is a way to improve bodybrcontours, giving the best results in men and women who are close to normalbrweight and have an area of fat that does not respond to exercise and improvedbrdiet.


How do you determine if liposuction is right for you? During your initial consultation, you will have thebropportunity to discuss your cosmetic goals. Your plastic surgeon will evaluatebryou as a candidate for liposuction and clarify what lipoplasty can do for you. Discussingbryour goals and medical background with a thorough evaluation will allow yourbrsurgeon to determine if an alternative or additional procedure would bebrbeneficial. Liposuction is often combined with other procedures tobrenhance results. 


How does liposuction work? Liposuction removes fat from yourbrbody using suction.  Using a tinybrincision and a small, thin tube called a cannula your surgeon breaks up the fatbrlayer and suctions it out. The procedure can last anywhere from 1-5 hoursbrdepending on the amount of fat being removed and the areas of the body that arebrbeing treated.  Incisions are very tinybrand depending on the area of the body typically placed in hidden areas.


After surgery, there may be some drainage from the incisionbrsites. Compression garments or wraps will be given to you along withbrinstructions on how to use them. These should be worn at all times, unless inbrthe shower, until all the bruising has resolved and for a period of 2-4 weeksbrafter that. This will minimize the amount of swelling in the area. It takesbrabout 3 months for the treated areas to reach their final appearance.


Although individualbrresults may vary, the most common outcome includes an accentuated waist and abrtighter body contour. Each procedure is customized to achieve the patient’sbrdesired results, boosting their confidence and providing a slimmer figure.brCommitting to a healthy diet and fitness regimen will help maintain yourbrresults.


Most of our cosmeticbrprocedures are performed on an outpatient basis and in our private surgicalbrsuite accredited by AAAASF. There are some instances cosmetic surgeries need tobrbe performed at the hospital and arrangements will be made with the patient tobrdo so.


For more information or to schedule an appointmentbr361-888-7417.
