By: Michela May Photo By: Rachel Benavides
After such a successful grand opening at the Nueces BrewingbrCompany, they will be hosting a different type of meet and greet forbrbeer lovers to join in this evening. The brewery will by having a beer yoga night,brwhere they will be using up their massive outside deck for whoever wishes to relaxbrand taste some of their specialty crafted Coastal Bend beers. Sounds like anbrexciting evening, especially with these exuberant owners!
The yoga class will be an hour long and even includes thebrfirst beer within the ticket price. It begins at 7:30 pm and ends right atbrsunset for maximum relaxation. Water Dog Floating Yoga will be the yoga hostbrfor the evening and has always been one to dabble in creative classes like this,brso they have a bit of experience up their sleeves. But this is an all-levelsbryoga class! Many of the moves are friendly for beginner crowds—just make surebrto bring a mat and a love for beer.
You may even want to stay for dinner; Coastal Sol will bebrparked right outside Nueces Brewing for the evening serving up some of theirbrlocal favorites.
This yoga night is meant to slow everyone down and focus yourbrmind on being present, which can be especially difficult when holding a beer in almost everybrpose. It can seem daunting when you start worrying about spilling a drink, butbrit truly does focus the mind and provides an outlet for concentration.
Registration for the class is limited and will need abrpre-registration for people to join, so make sure you grab a ticket soon!
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