Making an Entrance - The Bend Magazine

Making an Entrance

Home of the home’s first impression

By: Terrie Moore  Photos By: Rachel Benavides

If your eyes are the window to your soul, then your foyer is the door to your heart. Whether your space is grand or small, making it work for you and giving guests a hint of the spirit of your home is important. 

A few key pieces will make all the difference. A mirror to peep your reflection before you dash out is always useful. A small table with drawers to keep cards and postage stamps will make getting that birthday greeting in the mail easier, in addition to providing a place for all those just-delivered packages. You’ll never lose your keys if you stay in the habit of dropping them off in a gorgeous handmade pottery bowl. Always keep a large vase ready to receive cuttings from your yard and make every day feel special. Don’t forget the rug! While rugs make a beautiful design statement, remember their practical use—they help remove dirt from the bottom of shoes and keep it from entering your home. Finally, add that one whimsical piece that you bought while on vacation that shows your guests that your home is fun, full of memories and love … just like your heart. 

Home of the home’s first impression: Tips for styling the front entrance and fun facts

Layering the mirror over an iron gate gives this shallow space a feeling of depth.

Keep your foyer clear of clutter to promote positive vibes and eliminate stress.

“Foyer” is the English pronunciation. People overseas pronounce it “foyay.”

Mornings will be easier if you place backpacks and briefcases by the door the night before.
get the look

Mirror and Console Table 
Chic to Chic

Messinger & Green

Pottery Bowl 
Nathaneal Huffman Pottery
Wooden Horse 
Restoration Hardware
Iron Gate and Chinese Vase 
Setting: The beautiful home of 
Robert Suggs and Russell Moody