By: Michela May
June 10th is the date to remember for thebrribbon cutting of one of the most iconic features in the Corpus Christi area!
This event will be the perfect way to start off thebrsummer, providing ice cream to fight off the growing summer heat, and honoringbrone of many longtime spectacles of the Coastal Bend life.
A beloved and unique landmark is finding a new homebrat the Ronald McDonald House of Corpus Christi this coming Monday, by hostingbran ice cream social from 2 PM to 4 PM in honor of the late creator, JenniferbrHawn.
If you haven’t guessed it by now, this grandbrreopening is for the massive ice cream statue that has been a vibrant centerpiecebrin the suburban yard of this Lamar Park resident, attracting attention sincebr1998. For over 20 years, Hawn provided a unique flare in her suburban living, goingbrthrough countless paintings of the statue every holiday season with vibrantbrcolors and dramatic patterns, attracting many visitors with the quirky yardbrcenterpiece.
The Ronald McDonald House will be the site of thebrice cream cone’s permanent home, located at 3402 Fort Worth St., to create anbratmosphere that many can enjoy, described as a home-away-from-home to familiesbrwho travel for their children’s health. This statue will continue to be abrspectacle that brings delight to the locals and visitors alike, and will keep thebrwild flare the Hawn’s family admired from the Corpus Christi community forbryears to come.
Pat Wallace, the sister of Jennifer Hawn, donatedbrthe ice cream cone earlier this year, and will accompany Michelle Horine, ChiefbrExecutive Officer of the Ronald McDonald House of Corpus Christi, EfrainbrFranco, Jr., the Membership Engagement Director, and Ben Molina, the CitybrCouncilman, to host the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Forbrmore information, call (361) 854-4073, or visit