Hola, YOLA - The Bend Magazine

Hola, YOLA

Inspired by family memories and world travels, Lamar PArk's newest restaurant offers a twist on your typical Mexican cuisine

By: Julieta Hernandez  Photos by: Rachel Benavides 

The result of a flavorful passion and a heaping spoonfulbrof hard work, YOLA Cocina Mexicana seems to fit rightbrinto the Lamar Park Shopping Center as a new and freshbrdining experience that both excites and entices us.


YOLA is meant to embody a lot – even more than what its dishesbrwill surprise us with. Owner Ryan Rios, also behind BKK thaibrkitchen + bar, pulled inspiration for this new local eatery from hisbrenriching travels and tastes of dishes from roughly 27 countries.br


“There is this idea that for something to be ‘Mexican,’ it must bebrbright and colorful, which is in far contrast to what YOLA hasbrbecome,” Rios says about YOLA’s style and aesthetics. “When visiting the Polanco District in Mexico City, it is elegant and stylishlybrfashionable, from the old to the new. The space I created is verybrintimate and incorporates that mix of styles throughout the years.”br


The space features handcrafted tile from Squarefoot Design Studio, as well as work from local upholsterer Mr. Marroquin, whobrRios mentioned hasn’t done this type of work in about 30 years. The aesthetic of the interior is a huge part of the overall diningbrexperience and atmosphere of the restaurant.


What Rios does aim to keep colorful are the dishes prepared forbrguests. Eating by the seasons, with a focus on high-quality ingredients, are points of emphasis Rios draws from when it comes tobrthe food you will find on YOLA’s menu. These dining elementsbrcome from his traditional dining experiences; just as his grandmothers Yolanda and Rosa would recommend.br


In addition to maintaining the ever-popular BKK, Rios and hisbrteam were able to build YOLA while he was enrolled in the localbrculinary program at Del Mar College.br


“I have this burning desire to see and experience absolutely everything that I can in my day-to-day life, and that is where I get thebrfuel to run two businesses, be in the middle of opening a third,brcontinue my education full-time, and find time for myself and mybrpersonal relationships,” Rios says.br

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The team and support system who assist Rios allow him to furtherbrhis culinary experience, investing in his restaurants’ growth andbrsuccess. Adding YOLA to Lamar Park, which has been around for nearly 64 years, will invite dining enthusiasts throughout thebrCoastal Bend to perhaps reimagine Mexican cuisine as it breaksbrthe American dining norm.br


“Whether you are coming from the neighborhood directly surrounding the center or from the complete opposite side of town,brwe want to be that neighborhood spot that feels comfortable andbrhas more personal service, not a 200-seat corporate restaurantbrwhere you’re just another person in the door,” says Rios. “Thebrfamily behind Lamar Park is special to me and has believed inbrBKK and now YOLA.”br


It’s safe to say those who walk through YOLA’s doors will bebrgreeted not only with a beautiful environment adorned in blackbrand gold, but with smiling faces, bold flavors, and a dining experience they’ll never forget. 


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3818 S Alameda St. || 361.334.1500 | yolacocinamexicana.com 








