By: Shawna Cogar, Chic to Chic Owner
As we celebrate a new year,brwith all its optimism and unchartered territory, we say goodbye to millennialbrpink and pastels, and embrace a new color trend for 2018, a super-intense, richbrhue that makes you say “whoa, now how do I incorporate ultra violet in my home?!”br
Chic to Chic, making a bold
splash with multiple jewel tones. brbr
Firstly, who is The PantonebrColor Institute, and why do they have so much influence? According to theirbrwebsite, ThebrPantone Color Institute is a consulting service within Pantone that forecastsbrglobal color trends and advises companies on color in brand identity andbrproduct development, for the application and integration of color as abrstrategic asset. In other words, they have a great deal of influence onbrpredicting and launching shifts in color focus in all realms of design.
“The Pantone Color of the Year has come to mean so much morebrthan ‘what’s trending’ in the world of design; it’s truly a reflection of what’sbrneeded in our world today,” says Laurie Pressman, Vice President of the PantonebrColor Institute.
They take into account political and social trends, as well asbrthings like a renewed interest in space exploration and shifts in technology inbrtheir color focus. So, when you think of ultra violet, imagine a galaxy far,brfar away, intuition, inventiveness, spiritual guidance, and ultimatelybrnon-conformity and creativity.
Furniture availablebrat Chic to Chic.
There is a way to enhancebryour home and wardrobe by giving a nod to color trends without going crazy andbrpainting your bedroom purple. Focus on what moves and inspires you, not someonebrelse’s Pinterest board. Well-curated rooms are filled with things you love. Letbrinspiration strike by using ultra-violet as an accent. The following roomsbrdemonstrate how powerful a jewel-toned shade can be in small doses. It alsobrpairs well with neutrals and other jewel-toned colors.
Whetherbryou end up with orchids, throw pillows, a rug with some intensity, or a piecebrof art, adding a new color, even in one room of your home, adds interest andbrjoy.