Focusing on the Most Important Work - The Bend Magazine

Focusing on the Most Important Work

Pre-School at Annapolis Christian Academy

By: Annapolis Christian Academy  


Pre-grammar school years are crucial ones, when thebrcement is still wet, providing us the opportunity to make the best impressionbrin a child’s life. A young child should experience a variety of guided teachingbrmoments with ample time and freedom to create and play.  Pretend play andbrexecutive functioning are linked to increased problem-solving skills,brcommunicating clearly, creativity, and the ability to delay gratification orbrself-control.  


At Annapolis, our philosophy is as Piaget’s –“Play is thebrwork of a child.” Our multifaceted programbrprovides thematic units that engage, integrate, and teach across all curricularbrareas including teacher directed instruction in multi-sensory learning centers,brsongs, chants, creative movement, play, and exploration.  Students spend their days exploring thebrconcepts of Math and Science. They develop a love for reading with Phonics,brPhonemic Awareness and Literature, and engage their imaginations with Music,brArt, and Movement, while promoting development in a number of areas. 


All of these things happen in a loving,brChristian environment designed to foster children spiritually,brcognitively, physically and socially.   Our gifted teachers leadbrtheir student-centered classrooms, modeling the fruits of the spirit andbrgiving the children time to explore, to play and to contribute to thebrlearning. 


C.S. Lewis said, “Children are not a distraction frombrmore important work. They are the most important work.” At AnnapolisbrChristian Academy, we believe that children of all ages shape our future andbrteach us so much about the kingdom of God. The more we invest in them, thebrgreater they become in making a positive impact on their world and those aroundbrthem. 


To learn more about pre-school at Annapolis, we invitebryou to attend our Pre-K & Kindergarten Pre-View on February 18, 2020 atbr9:30 a.m. For more information, call (361) 991-6004 or visit our website
