By: Michela May Photo by: Rachel Benavides
The Downtown Management District is continuing theirbrElectrical Box Mural Program and the deadline for applications ends today, Julybr12th, at 5 pm!
This event began back in 2015 as a way to beautify thebrdowntown area of Corpus Christi. Previous participants have created gorgeousbrmurals, ranging from brilliantly colored aquatic life to abstract animals andbrgeometric patterns. They hope to continue this program and have already pre-selectedbrthe next electrical boxes that will be this year’s canvases along MesquitebrStreet.
Six artists will be picked from the applicants throughbrpublic voting and announced at 5 pm on June 20th. Each artist willbrbe compensated for their work and provided the paints needed for the murals by DMDbrfrom Novo Color. Each electrical box will be sanded and primed before painting,brthen sealed once the art is finished, also provided by DMD.
Make sure you apply today and include a portfolio of rendered work that reflects the Corpus Christi culture!
Application papers can be found at, and should be emailed tobrJordan Michael: