By: Gill Garden Center + Landscape Co.
When our landscape clients Shawn and James first contactedbrus about their new backyard, they knew they wanted an island oasis feel, withbrthe versatility to relax alone or entertain friends. With a great pool, largebrcovered dining area, and a smaller pergola with a built-in fire pit already inbrplace, we were able to choose and install plants to tie the whole projectbrtogether.
Creating tropical landscapes is one of Phillip’s (landscapebrdesigner here at Gill’s) specialties; finding the right balance of foliage,brtextures, and colors to create that relaxing atmosphere. It doesn’t necessarilybrtake a lot of plants to create a tropical impression. Instead, Phillip chosebrlarge blooming tropicals and pops of color like the Ice Cream Banana, Bergundy CrinumbrLily, Cuban Gold Duranta, and simple Bougainvillea to frame the dining space.
Shawn says the new landscape is truly a tranquil place forbrpeople who “live outside”. They use the space for quietly reading by the firebrto hosting outdoor dinners and everything in between. She says in addition tobrrelaxing and entertaining, one of her favorite things to do outside is care forbrthe plants and keep them happy and blooming.