The number one most important space in your home is your headspace. Around this season, we typically might spend more time planning wine storage than controlling our thoughts. Let’s change that. This year, before the craziness of the holidays begin, prepare a place for yourself where you can calm your mind. A YouSpace, meditation area, prayer room — a place you’ll retreat to as part of your daily ritual to practice mindfulness and achieve mental clarity and an emotionally calm and stable mindset.
Technically, nothing is needed to begin a meditation practice, but as humans, setting up a “ritual and reward” system will help form a lasting habit and ensure success. Start with just four minutes a day. With persistence and patience, you’ll find yourself craving more time.
Our thoughts are heavily guided by daily noise, including social media. Take the time to unplug, unwind and understand you. Learn the practice of controlling your thoughts and understanding your emotions. Let’s make headspace the most valuable space in our homes this season.
Take a Moment
Select a space. It could be a corner of your bedroom or an entire room. Most importantly, it should be somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed.
Assemble your essentials. You’ll need a thick cushion or meditation chair and a timer, and you’ll want to remain comfortable, so have a shawl handy for those cooler times. You can use the timer on your phone, but don’t bring it into your sacred space.
Place a mirror in the space. Mirror gazing is a practice to help improve self-worth and compassion. As you look at your reflection and quiet your thoughts, begin focusing less on your flaws and more on your life and experiences.
Gather your sacred items. Your favorite incense or candle, a loved photograph or painting, something from nature like a plant or stone, a statue or another symbol of calmness. Add items that hold meaning and inspiration to you. This is the “reward” of going to your space every day — having that spark of joy every time you sit.
Set a ritual. Sit daily. As with any exercise, results are based on the continuity of our efforts. The more you do it, the better you get.
Get the Look
Incense from Commons | Kitty Mug and Sage from Sew Bonita | Cushion and Shawl from HomeGoods | Wood Table from Baba One Of A Kind