COVID-19 Quarantine Self Portraits - The Bend Magazine

COVID-19 Quarantine Self Portraits

Local photographer Mae Burke's documentation of her COVID-19 quarantine

Words and photos: Mae Burke

I contracted COVID-19 mid-January 2021.

After a few days of being very sick, I decided to document the remaining days of my quarantine.
My husband helped me homeschool my girls throughout the weeks. I wore my mask anytime I was outside of my room. I took long, daily walks during the day to try and regain some strength, and was able to workout in my garage as well. The girls prepared all of their meals on their own, while I ate outside or in my room. My phone and Crunchyroll provided most of my entertainment, so using my camera to capture unique daily images was a welcomed distraction and challenge in my small 10X10 room with one window.









You can view more of Burke’s work at or @maeburkephotography