As dusk approaches, the Corpus Christi skyline begins to illuminate downtown in the sun’s absence. In what was previously an abandoned building, on a dark street corner, people of all ages have gathered on a patio.
The Bar Under The Sun is bursting with life and vitality, bringing a fresh take on the patio bar concept to the Coastal Bend. Lesley and Ben Lomax saw patio bars were thriving in other cities and wanted to bring the idea to Corpus Christi. What they didn’t expect was the location they would end up choosing to open their bar.
What really sets this new patio bar over the top is the concept behind the food it offers. “The food trucks are key to our concept,” says Lesley Lomax. “We like the idea of being able to provide food like a bar and grill; but with an exciting variety of food styles that are always changing. We noticed how well food trucks compliment many bars in other cities, and noticed that the Corpus food truck scene was growing, with fun new concepts and quality operators. It seemed like the right time to bring something to Corpus that many residents of other cities already enjoyed.