By:brJustin Butts Photos by:brRachel Benavides
Gardeners have longbrrecognized the important role birds play in pest control. In the pioneer daysbrof America, farmers strategically located birdhouses throughout their fieldsbrand orchards to protect their crops from pests.
The birdhouses were madebrfrom bark or twigs or even the hollowed-out skulls of cows and horses. Thesebrbirdhouses were a lot of work, but farmers went to the trouble because they sawbrresults. The crops nearest the birdhouses always showed the least amount of pestbrdamage.
Benjamin Smith Barton wasbra leading botanist in early America. He trained Meriwether Lewis for the Lewisbrand Clark expedition. In 1800, Barton wrote an essay called The Usefulness of Birds, which explainedbrthe role of wild birds in pest control. This work shed scientific light on a factbrthat farmers already understood.
But the farmers of thatbrday soon realized that habitat destruction was hurting bird populations, whichbrin turn caused problems in agriculture. As early as 1823, garden writer JamesbrWorth blamed increased crop damage on what he called “the wanton destruction ofbrthe feathered tribe.” He said birds are the “link in creation [that keeps] thebrinsect race within bounds.”
In that long-ago age,brwhen birds still flourished in unimaginable numbers, farmers were alreadybrfeeling the loss of their feathered helpers. Today, we need birds in ourbrgardens more than ever.
To bring birds to your landscape,brhang bird feeders close to your garden. Feeders provide a supplement to thebrnatural diet of birds, which is especially helpful in December when seeds andbrberries are scarce. Birds will soon congregate in your trees and drop in andbrout of the garden to eat pests.
A feeder plus a birdhousebrand birdbath is the ideal way to keep birds close to your garden. Birds lovebrwater. At a minimum, place a few shallow pans of water at the base of your vegetablesbrand flowers. The birds will visit your garden to drink water and eliminate insectsbrwhile they are there.
Visit the website of thebrCoastal Bend Audubon Society for an excellent guide to the many beautiful birdsbrof The Bend. Birds have long been a friend to gardeners. They bring color, song,brand joy to the landscape and powerful natural pest control to your garden.