TEDx Cole Park is Bringing “Connection” to the Coastal Bend - The Bend Magazine

TEDx Cole Park is Bringing “Connection” to the Coastal Bend

TEDx is coming to the Coastal Bend. Learn more about the event, who is speaking, and how it came to fruition.

By: Luis Arjona    Photos Courtesy of: Liza Wisner

The human connection is an intrinsic part of life that Ibrmay have taken for granted until March. With technology replacing old modes ofbrwork, planning, and interaction, maybe our work adjustments have reached abrlevel of comfort. However, the question still stands if it is enough tobrnurture, create, and maintain relationships?


On October 17, 2020, Liza Wisner,brChristopher Butler, and a team of TEDx volunteers are presenting TEDx ColebrPark. TEDx is the local grassroots initiative led by volunteers geared towardsbrthe same ethos on which TED operates. This one-day event will be virtual,brfocusing on bringing “Connection” to the Coastal Bend. The theme ofbr”connection” will be the theme of the evening featuring ten (10)brexcellent speakers who will deliver powerful talks that will answer questionsbrsuch as:



  • Howbr do we connect better to ourselves to lead happier and healthier lives inbr Corpus Christi?
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  • Howbr do we connect better with each other so that no one feels alone andbr isolated in Corpus Christi?
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  • Howbr do we connect the innovation we have in a globally competitive market tobr allow us to build a more robust and sustainable Corpus Christi?
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Speaking to the co-founder of TEDx Cole Park, Liza Wisner, helpedbrelucidate the event’s importance. The last time a TEDx event was hosted in thebrCoastal Bend was back in 2013. Wisner took the initiative and accepted thebrresponsibility to revitalize the event. She mentioned how she posted onbrFacebook to create a team of volunteers on the day she decided to take on thisbrendeavor. The experience has been enjoyable since the entire event has beenbrorganized virtually. This mode of communication took some time to get used to.brHowever, her positivity towards virtual planning allowed me to realize thebrbenefits of virtual meetings and work planning. Requiring less time committedbrto meeting up and the flexibility of tuning in from anywhere allowed sessionsbrto occur at a regular interval and provided more consistent communication.brAnother positive example from their experience was during the audition process.brA speaker, Maria Perez, who I hear has an excellent presentation lined upbr(spoiler), applied and auditioned just twelve hours after giving birth to herbrchild. She was still in the hospital during the speaker review session. Thebrdigital format allowed her to present and lock in a spot as a speaker for thebrupcoming event! How badass is that?!



Before ending our conversation, Wisner exemplifies herbrdrive by discussing what she deems “the excuse zone.” In short, shebrdoes not want people to be stifled by negative thoughts. The idea of notbrachieving your goals due to the feeling of not having resources, support, orbrmotivation should be thrown out the window. Wisner executed the upcoming eventbrall virtually with people she did not know other than Butler. All initiated bybrthe simplicity of a Facebook post. Now we are being gifted with an excitingbrevent.

“Whatever your idea or dream is, go do it. Find peoplebrto come help and cheer you on. Don’t let the feeling of isolation or feelingbralone stop you from doing what you want. Put your efforts out there, and peoplebrwill come,” says Wisner about getting out of the excuse zone. If this isbrjust a skosh of what’s to come from TEDx Cole Park, then I can give you mybrguarantee (which is huge, not to brag) that the event will be worth yourbrtime. 


TEDx Cole Park speakers include:



  • Belkisbr Clarke, Owner at Belkis Clarke LLC – S.O.S. Womenbr Rescuing ThemselvesTammy Francis, Ph.D. – Educator,br Strategist, and Consultant, Catalyst 4 Change Global – Connected to Yourbr Purpose, on Purpose
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  • Aislynnbr Campbell, Garden and Wellness Coach; Co-Founder of Grow Local South Texas -br My Garden is a Sanctuary
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  • Michellebr Eccellente Stevenson, Founder, Cultivate Caring / Artist, MES Studio Art -br How Caring Connects Us
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  • Isaacbr Garza, Senior at Veterans Memorial High School  Howbr True Sickness Fosters Deeper Connections
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  • Dianabr Cordova Walker, Entrepreneur – Two are Betterbr than One
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  • Lorenabr Parada-Valdes, Chief Immersion Officer, Passport2Fluency -br Increasing Cross-Cultural Connections
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  • Timbr Tate, Licensed Professional Counselor -br Overcoming Depression Prepared Me for a Pandemic
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  • Mariabr Perez, Community Relations Specialist at Council on Alcohol + Drugbr Abuse  Community of Dissonance
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  • Rudybr Garcia, Revolve One Podcast – Mindfulnessbr over Mindlessness
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TEDx Cole Park would also like to thank their sponsors:brNikki Riojas – Made in Corpus Christi, ItsMoose.com, Jonathan Swindle of HRMG,brLillian Jean Photography, Aurora Arts Theater, and South Texas Mental HealthbrAssociates.


Registration is currently open to the public. Communitybrmembers can visit the TEDx Cole Park website at tedxcorpuschristi.com/colepark for more information and to register.