Bobby Hyatt always enjoyed visiting the Coastal Bend on family vacations while growing up in Colorado, enough that he decided to move south after graduating college with his degree in math.
“I always figured it would be fun to live in a beach town, so I moved down here in 2013,” Hyatt said. “I started out teaching high school math for five years — at Miller and then Veterans Memorial. I really enjoyed teaching, and was thinking about trying to become a principal at one point. I also wanted to try something on my own and have my own business.
“I took some time off and ended up having a friend who’s an insurance agent reach out to me about taking over a business from an agent who was retiring. After we met, having my own business with State Farm checked all my boxes, which included staying involved in the community and having an educational piece, as well as being able to work with a good team.”
“Developing my team and seeing them grow is one of the things I enjoy most, if I can help them develop a vision for their future.”
Hyatt is a graduate of the 49th Class of Leadership Corpus Christi and a member of the 2022 class of Corpus Christi Under 40. He said he enjoys being able to volunteer his time advocating for local organizations through different roles.
“I’m on the board of Agape Ranch, a nonprofit that helps provide better services for foster care agencies in the Coastal Bend, and being a member of the Westside Rotary Club allows me to do more community outreach,” Hyatt said. “It’s very rewarding to be able to help out in any way I can to better our community.”
Hyatt noted that having an educational background has helped lead to rewarding moments in his current professional career.
“Developing my team and seeing them grow is one of the things I enjoy most, if I can help them develop a vision for their future,” Hyatt said. “I also have my investment license and can help folks plan for retirement. Every once in a while, I get to have a conversation with someone who didn’t think they would be able to retire on time, but then we put a plan together and they realize they can do it. That’s a really special moment as well.”