In With the New - The Bend Magazine

In With the New

Join Alexis Harborth, Editor In Chief, in the celebration of the first-ever issue of The Bend Business (TB Business) magazine.

 Published in TB Business Magazine by Alexis Harborth photos by Dustin Ashcraft


The New Year is often synonymous brwith new beginnings, which makes this time brespecially fitting for the launch of this brand-new publication. It is my pleasure and honor brthat you are reading the first-ever issue of The brBend Business (TB Business) magazine, the latest brpublication from The Bend and the Hilltop brMedia family. 

The soul and goal of TB Business is to tell brengaging business, economic and leadership brstories in the Coastal Bend. Specifically, TB Business will focus on the people behind brorganizations and businesses in Corpus Christi brand the surrounding Coastal Bend area; breach issue will introduce you to community brleaders, share stories and best practices from brprofessional experts and spotlight titans of brindustry and emerging businesses alike. 

For the inaugural issue of TB Business, brwe are focused on the future. We explore brseveral positions that are increasing in need brand popularity, and are poised to explode in brthe coming years (see The Radar, page 10). brWe spoke with organizations that have come brtogether to create a brighter tomorrow for brvictims of human trafficking (see Giving Back,page 20). The One to Watch section (see brpage 12) will be a staple of the magazine, brspotlighting incredible individuals who are brmaking big impacts in our community. We breven have a calendar of upcoming events br(see Networking, page 50). 

For our cover story, we are proud brto feature “10 for the next 10” (see page br30), showcasing 10 individuals who are brtransforming Corpus Christi now and for brthe next decade to come. They represent bra range of industries and have a variety brof expertise and skills, but one element is bra common denominator: Their passion brfor our community is developing it into a brbetter place to live, work and play. It has brbeen a joy and privilege to speak with each brof them, and I am energized by their efforts brand visions. 

When I think about TB Business, it’s brso much more than a magazine. It is a brchannel to elevate and celebrate our people. brIt is a connector; here to introduce us to brbusinesses, initiatives and groups. It is a way brto learn more about what’s happening in brthe bustling economy of the Coastal Bend. brIt tells our story. It is the start of something brbig. 

I invite you to connect with us—sign brup for our newsletter at, and follow our social channels on brFacebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

Let’s talk about Corpus Christi’s brbusiness and economy, and its professionals, brleaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries. Now, brlet’s dive in.

Alexis Harboth Editor in Chief